Week 3- Art + Robotics

This weeks material was interesting as it not only focused on how robotics and art influence each other in the present day, but the lectures informed us on how the technological changes from the industrial revolution have also influenced this. Technology and mass production is what has helped the invention of jobs, making differing objects and making ideas available to larger audiences leading to new discoveries in today’s world. In Lecture Part 1, Professor discusses the printing press and how its invention created the ability for information to be transmitted rapidly.  This allowed for mass production of information from brilliant minds to transmit their knowledge around the world and thus                   A robotic assembly line 
changed the way we today transmit our knowledge. What I find most interesting about in industrial revolution and the way it changed our world is the assembly line.  Professor discussed this in short but how I see it is the technological advances like robots has changed job availability and the way things are made.
Henry Ford created the assembly line, through his mass production of automobiles. However we can see today, robots and other machinery now create society automobiles. 

It is almost ironic to me that the creation of the printing press in the early industrial revolution created many job opportunities. And today those robots are the major factors of the assembly line.  However we can also see that this has created jobs in itself, in a breakdown of US jobs in manufacturing we can see that the use of technology and robots are making our jobs safer, more 
efficient and actually creating jobs.

Henry Fords Automobile assembly line 

In regards to the art and robot relationship, it is interesting to note the more modern forms of art that have taken a back seat to technological advanced art like videography and pictures. This has allowed for more human interaction, and simply makes the artwork easier and more convenient. Walter Benjamin made this observation in his book “the work of art in the age of mechanical production”, predicting that mechanics are going to strip societies of uniqueness and authenticity. This is very true and can be put down to societies need for efficiency and mass production.

Ajayan, Unni. “How has technology changed art”. Josic Investment Details - Department of Human Services

Burrows, Brianna. “What is the difference between a bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Sciences?” Study USA, https://studyusa.com/en/a/1241/what-is-the-difference-between-a-bachelor-of-arts-and-a-bachelor-of-sciences.

Corday, Robert. “the evolution of assembly lines: A brief history”. Robohub http://robohub.org/the-evolution-of-assembly-lines-a-brief-history/

McCutcheon, Robert. “The new hire: How a new generation of robots in transforming manufacturing” PWC. https://www.pwc.com/us/en/industries/industrial-products/library/robotic-trends-changing-manufacturing.html

Rendall, Mathew. “Industrial robots will replace manufacturing jobs- and it’s a good thing” Tech Crunch, https://techcrunch.com/2016/10/09/industrial-robots-will-replace-manufacturing-jobs-and-thats-a-good-thing/

Rieland, Randy. “7 ways technology is changing how art is made” https://www.smithsonianmag.com/arts-culture/7-ways-technology-is-changing-how-art-is-made-180952472/

Assembly Line. Industrial Business Technology News http://www.xiduanpress.com/industrial-machines/assembly-line/

Ford assembly line, 1913

Why does it have to be man vs machine in BPM ? https://bpmredux.wordpress.com/2012/03/27/why-does-it-have-to-be-man-vs-machine-in-bpm/


  1. Bronte, I really enjoyed reading your blog this week. I think that the way you relay the information is smooth. As for the material, it is quite interesting. I like that you did a good job of laying out the pluses and minuses of robotic advancement. Yes, robots could serve us great purpose in society, but I think that there is a large danger if used improperly. In politics today, people are constantly saying that the U.S. needs more jobs. In Oregon, they have people working to pump gas at gas stations for the sole purpose to create a job. What happens when robots can do everything humans can and they are able to work in factories, diagnose problems with cars and fix them, make our food, etc.? Your blog definitely does a great job of touching on these! :)


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