Week 1- Two Cultures

I enjoyed the Lecture on “Two cultures” more specifically in learning about the difference in science and art.  I did not consider myself particularly artsy or scientific with a big passion for sport. However coming to UCLA I found a passion for both the arts/humanities and science in the particular field of psychology.  I have found there is a combination of both cultures within this degree one being that the psychology buildings sit pretty far south within the science world of campus, with many different scientific research components however there is intellectual thinking along with a creative process to the degree. The intertwining of both these cultures in this specific degree allows me to live within the third culture. C.P Snow introduces the third culture is the attempt to bridge the gap between the humanities and science, most evident within universities.
One of the many reasons for this is because the education system allows artists to access different components of the scientific world like scholars and technologies.  This has played a role within my degree being able to use different scientific research methods and technologies such as statistical programing for classes. Although there is evidence of some humanities within the psychology degree it being a “human behavioural science” I only have had a few humanities/ arts experiences at UCLA.
I know this because of the layout of UCLA campus. The frequent question if you’re a south side major or on north side of campus is great evidence of the cultural gap between arts and science within the education system.  I have only experienced a few classes on north campus- the art side.  However my experience there was wonderful, it is such a beautiful side of campus, the sculpture garden is one example of how this side of campus encapsulates the artistic culture. A place where like-minded people can sit and enjoy the beauty technology missed with nature.
However where I spend most of my time is the court of sciences, a concrete courtyard, which is surrounded by many technology advanced and architecturally new buildings. The contrast between the north side and south side campus is strange to me as colleges boast about giving great opportunities and being “diverse” however most students that come to UCLA get stuck within a major not experiencing all the different experiences. The “two cultural” aspect of our social lives is very evident within the UCLA campus today.
Burrows, Brianna. “What is the difference between a bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Sciences?” Study USA, https://studyusa.com/en/a/1241/what-is-the-difference-between-a-bachelor-of-arts-and-a-bachelor-of-sciences.

OConnor, Christopher. “Psychology’s Dilemma.” Mental health resources, OConnor Professional group, https://oconnorpg.com/psychologys-dilemma/.

“Home.” UCLA Interactive Campus Map, University of California, Los Angeles, maps.ucla.edu/.

“Murphy Sculpture garden and coral tree walk” UCLA School of Theater, Film and Television, http://www.tft.ucla.edu/facilities/murphy-sculpture-garden-coral-tree-walk/.

“What are the Differences Between a Bachelor of Arts and a Bachelor of Science in Psychology?” Online Psychology degrees, https://www.online-psychology-degrees.org/faq/what-are-the-differences-between-a-bachelor-of-arts-and-a-bachelor-of-science-in-psychology/.


  1. Hi Bronte,

    Great post, I too am a Psychology major and find that I am living in the third culture which C.P Snow mentions. I never really thought about the divide between having most classes on the south campus, yet being able to participate in a couple of the arts classes to broaden our horizons. I liked your comparison of the sculpture garden to the typical south campus concrete jungle. It shows clear evidence that there is a divide between the two cultures of the science and the arts which decreases ones chances of experiencing the full college experience.

    - Teagan Micah

  2. Bronte, I agree with everything you said. I think it is very special that you have the opportunity to live within the "third culture," because it is one of the only majors at this school which allows for that. I am interested in the Psychology major because of that and I think it is cool that you get to explore both the arts and the sciences and see how they connect. Thank you for sharing!



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