This week’s content was very eye opening for me, as I did
not realise the connection between the medical world and art.
At Professor Vesna opened the lectures in
discussing the history of medicine and that if it were not for art, the medical
community would not have made as much progress as they have. The study of the
human anatomy in early medical days would not have been possible without
anatomical drawings for the doctors and the scientists to study from and learn
off of. Looking into modern medical fields and the way art interacts, Professor
Vesna discussed the use of Grey’s Anatomy.
This Book published by Henry Grey, was first issued for medical purposes
however it appeal has shifted over the generations and now almost every artist
that uses the human body has this book on their shelf.
Many times although in this class I have only
every thought about art in the form of paintings and pictures.
It wasn’t until this discussion that I
realised the technological advances in art as well that have influenced the
medical world.
This includes the art
from of tv shows, like Greys anatomy; a tv show about a modern day hospital.
Going back to the Greys anatomy textbook, without the
correct drawings and information that the artist put into the books medical
professionals would not be able to correctly perform different medical
procedures and consult different practices. This proves the relationship of art
and the medical world is crucial for human wellbeing.

Another influence of art on the medical procedures would be
the use of plastic surgery and prosthetics. The societal need to look better
and younger or perform better directly correlates with the advances in this medical
field. The design of plastic surgery in the present day is to make the body
parts more efficient or to look alike a missing body part.
This would all not be possible without artists
design solutions to create these technological advances.
“Art and Anatomy” Science Museum Brought to Life, Exploring
the History of Medicine, http://broughttolife.sciencemuseum.org.uk/broughttolife/themes/understandingthebody/anatomy.
Condon, Orlaith, Her “Two more stars are bidding farewell
to the show” https://www.her.ie/entertainment/ellen-pompeo-responds-anger-two-greys-anatomy-exits-393487
FACS, Josef Hadeed MD.
"Importance of Patient Safety in Plastic Surgery." American
Society of Plastic Surgeons. American Society of Plastic Surgeons, 22
June 2016.
Greys Textbook sourced: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/p/barnes-noble-leatherbound-classics-grays-anatomy-henry-gray/1106658802/2676191281870
Laliberte, Marissa, Readers Digest https://www.rd.com/health/healthcare/plastic-surgery-instagram/
"Paediatric Plastic
Surgery." Paediatric Plastic Surgery Department :: Polio
Foundation, Ahmedabad Gujarat India. Polio
Foundation, n.d.
"Surgery Lowdown |
Cosmetic Surgery Advice." October 2008. N.p., n.d.
Vesna, Victoria.
Lecture. Medicine Pt 1 Video. University of California, Los
Angeles, April 23, 2018.
I like your connection to Grey's anatomy the TV show because I never knew the show was based on a real life medical book. You do a good job pointing out the different connections between art and medicine: entertainment and cosmetic correction.
ReplyDeleteThe aspect I liked most about your blog was the connection between art and plastic surgery. Plastic surgeons are definitely artists because their work must not only be functional, but look as good as possible on the outside too. My friend cracked his head open and the plastic surgeon did a great job of making sure that his face would heal to look normal again, and this is important.
ReplyDeleteI really found the connection to Grey's anatomy to be really interesting. Being a person that has seen the show it really made me realize that there was a book that it was based on. I also like how you used plastic surgery as an example too because plastic surgery is an art and it takes a lot of practice to perfect.